Future Imperfect by David D. Friedman

Future Imperfect by David D. FriedmanPlowed through Future Imperfect by David D. Friedman during my last week in India. David Friedman is a legal scholar, economist, anarchist and cook, who happens to the be son of the late, great Milton Friedman. I've previously read DDF's Machinery of Freedom and Law's Order. I also subscribe to DDF's blog, the blandly titled Ideas. Future Imperfect is an overview of a slew of emerging technologies that could drastically change (or already are changing) our lives. From bio-tech, cloning, nano-tech and life extension to encryption, virtual reality and even space elevators, Friedman covers a lot of ground.
It's a fun read that is actually available for free as an ebook (by download) compliments of DDF. You'll have to find the link though as I bought the book. I'm old school like that I guess.
A fun, exciting, and sometimes troubling read into any number of possible futures for humanity, I heartily recommend Future Imperfect. I also recommend Friedman's other non-fiction works (Harald wasn't my cup of tea) as they are all eye-opening, paradigm-shifting and excellent.