
Frontier, stagnation, cycle

Thoughts on the cyclical nature of exploration and exploitation.


Creativity and constraints

I’ve long held that creativity requires constraints. Putting these thoughts down.


The Age of Too Much

Have you noticed you have an attention problem? There are only so many TV shows we can binge watch on Netflix, photos we can scroll, books we can read, games we can play, and on and on. Our attention problem is due to an exponential growth in things to do, content to consume, and things […]


How Normal People Are Turned Into True Believers

Could You Join a Cult? You’ve likely never worried about inadvertently joining a cult. “Only whack-o’s join cults,” and, “I could never be like that …” Of course, to be sure, who could be like that? The notion you might abandon your sense of self, adopt a doctrine of unquestionable beliefs, and in the course, […]


To exist is to aggress

Pacifism is the belief that violence is unjustifiable under any circumstances, and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means. How?


Getting Started With 16:8 Intermittent Fasting on The Leangains Method Diet

When you start a new diet you’ve got a lot to work out. It’s hard. Your body and brain struggle to incorporate change, and the newness of the approach introduces uncertainty and can lead to flail. You’ve got to make loads of decisions all while maintaining control and willpower is critical. You’ve got to figure […]


Understanding Bodyweight and Glycogen Depletion

If you are dieting or are planning to start a diet, you need to understand the connection between bodyweight and glycogen, that is how carbohydrates get stored in your liver and muscles, so you don’t overestimate your weight loss as you cut carbs—or your weight gain if you add some back. Understand the connection and you’ll have a […]


How to Fix the World

The world’s got problems. Poverty, sickness, violence, crime, exploitation, and countless other bad things exist. They are not good. What more, their very existence is a red flag that something must be done. But what? No matter your politics or philosophy, most of us would agree making the world a better place is a desireable goal. Where we all […]


The Mote and the Beam

From the Sermon on the Mount comes the story of the Mote and the Beam. A refresher: 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3 And why beholdest thou the […]


How Mobile Hijacked Human Nature

We live in abundance, so why does our attention feel so scarce? Our biology hasn’t caught up to our technology. Today, we live in a time of abundance — abundance of information, content, and connectivity. Yet our time and attention has never felt more scarce — or scattered. How we manage the interplay between these dynamics is critical to our […]